Tuesday, December 20, 2011

There's No Place Like Home!

I don't mean to be mean..hehehe So, here I am again with my weird looking food that I truly missed.

 This is a seafood salad. The orange color is the meat of that snail (below picture) which is called"aninikad". The green slimy looking noodles is called "lukot". The white meat is called "sunlotan". In most of our salad we used coconut vinegar for a dressing.

Our native pastries. In old times, It's only the rich can afford to have a piece of cake. Even the slice bread also known as "The American Bread" is already a luxury for every family to have for a snack. But out of rice flour the ladies of old times were able to make a sweet treat it may have different shape and color but it's all the same. It's all made from rice flour or whole grain of sticky rice, sugar and coconut milk , and wrapped in banana leaves.

 This orange clusters is called "kyape". This is the fruit of rattan. One is lucky to get a sweet one and I was just so lucky that this bunch were all sweet. In the picture below, I had Tom tried to have a bite of "camias"..I told him that this is a wild fruit that I used to enjoy when I was a kid. Most of our armies who are assigned to mountainous areas used this as a replacement for toothbrush and toothpaste. This fruit is like a fresh pickle out of tree.

                         And this is how we cook our rice, as well as most of our foods.
Every time I smell the smoke in our dirty kitchen I am ever grateful to be home again . There's no place like home indeed! Anyway, we called it dirty kitchen because of the soot and ashes from the burning firewood but it's a clean kitchen and not dirty. hehehe


  1. Those foods look pretty interesting! I bet the stuff we eat here looks pretty questionable to you. Hope you guys have a great Christmas!

  2. There are some especially the smell maybe of herbs or spices that was mixed on your foods.
